Corn Removal

A corn is a small, rough mound of thick, hardened skin. Corns can develop wherever skin rubs together. They usually occur at pressure points on the foot, such as the top of the toe “knuckle” or in between toes.

Corns are caused by one thing - friction. They can be trimmed away with a small knife during a visit to a podiatrist; however, to permanently remove corns, it is necessary to address the source of pressure that is causing the corns to develop.

Reasons for treatment

Corns will not simply disappear without treatment. They are a symptom of an underlying problem with the structure of the foot. Unless the source of friction causing the corns is removed, they will continue to become thicker and more painful.

Corns can eventually bore down into the skin and press on underlying nerves, causing extreme pain. At a certain point, the body begins to treat corns as a foreign object and an ulcer can develop. Ulcers present a serious complication for those with diabetes and poor circulation.

How corn removal is performed

Corns are merely a symptom of an underlying foot problem. It is important to treat the corn and the problem causing the corn. Self-treatment is possible, but if you have persistent corns you should see a doctor.

To remove corns, your physician may begin by recommending a change in footwear. To reduce pain, protective padding can be used to cushion the corn and give it time to heal. Your doctor can remove a corn in a single office visit by using a small knife to trim down the corn. Part of your treatment plan may also include surgery to correct foot deformities that might cause corns to continue developing.

People with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and poor circulation should never try to treat a corn themselves; the risk of infection is too great.